✔ شحن سريع مجاني على الطلبات أكثر من SR200
هل سئمت الاستيقاظ بشعر متطاير وجاف؟ هل كنت قلقة بشأن تساقط الشعر؟ هل توقعت أن تدوم تسريحة شعرك الجديدة باهظة الثمن لفترة أطول؟
غطاء النوم الحريري الخاص بنا مصنوع من مادة حرير ناعمة وسلسة ومسامية وخفيفة الوزن.
الحرير غني بـ 18 حمضًا أمينيًا ، وهو مضاد للحساسية ومقاوم للشيخوخة ومقاوم لعث الغبار ، وهو مثالي لبشرتك وشعرك. يساعد نسيج الحرير على الاحتفاظ بالرطوبة الطبيعية لبشرتك وشعرك ومنعهما من الجفاف طوال الليل.
يساعد على حماية تسريحة شعرك والحفاظ على لمعانها
يقلل الاحتكاك بين شعرك والوسادة ، مما يساعد على منع شعرك من التكسر أو تكون الأطراف المتقصفة أو التشابك أثناء النوم.
يسمح لتصفيفات الشعر باهظة الثمن بالانزلاق على الوسادة والاحتفاظ بشكلها.
إنه رائع لمن يعانون من تفاعلات الحساسية الشائعة ، مثل حكة الجلد.
الشريط المرن بتصميم الشريط يجعل غطاء النوم ملائمًا لرأسك لضمان نوم عميق.
إنه كبير بما يكفي لاستيعاب غالبية شعر الناس.
سيكون قبعة النوم المصنوعة من الحرير من أفضل رفقائك أثناء السفر لأنها صغيرة بما يكفي لوضعها في حقيبة السفر بسهولة.
هذا النوم الحريري الكلاسيكي المصمم بأسلوب موجز يوفر مكانًا لتثبيت شعرك ويحافظ على مظهرك ساحرًا.
Meraviglioso acquisto
Pienamente soddisfatta
I have wavy hair &this silk night cap really helps keep my hair looking good the next morning. It stays on my head throughout the night (I leave my ears out of the nightcap). I don't move around so much in the night which probably helps. It's also very comfortable & I actually prefer to wear it since my hair is long and before I started wearing this silk hair cap, I would wake up in the middle of the night because I'm laying on my hair and when I move, my hair gets in the way and I have to keep moving my hair out of the way.
I was a little hesitant to pay the extra money for a 100% silk cap over a less expensive satin one, but Im really glad I got this one. Its helped reduce the amount of hair that breaks off the crown of my head and also prevents creases and damage from
Cpap head gear. I wear it nightly and its held up perfectly. I have straight medium fine hair that is just past my collar bone and it holds all my hair with room to spare.
Love how soft this is. Whenever I do overnight curls, this is my go-to sleeping bonnet.
Comfy and keeps my hair in the bonnet so Ican take care of my hair AND sleep well
this is what I have been looking for. the cap is so soft and never feels heavy. it did not suffocate my hair, it was so comfortable to sleep in
I put this on while sleeping and it does not bother me and woke up with a nice silky hair wothout tangling.
I look like a lunch lady wearing this but regardless I love how my hair feels. I typically wash my hair every 2-3 days but this has helped controlled the oiliness in my scalp and reduced frizziness. Ive also noticed that having my hair bundled in this bonnet has caused less of the oils to get on my pillow and my acne has decreased a lot.
I could not be more surprised by how much I love this sleep cap! I recently dreadlocked my hair for the first time ever. Big decision! And was between a sleep cap or silk pillow. To give you some idea, I throw all my Long, waist length hair above my head and get it as far away from me as possible. I don't like anything touching me so I was hesitant, but this was supposed to be really great for hair. I LOVE sleeping with this. So comfortable and my hair looks great in the morning as well. I gently roll all my hair up into a bun on top of my head and throw cap on. As soon as I have cap on, the hair relaxes and goes where it can within the cap. Plenty of room though, better than sleeping without it, and looks better in morning. Win, win, win, win.
This is it! I had given up on bonnets. They either left a mark on my forehead or slid off my head. With this one, I can adjust it perfectly to my head (and hair), and theres no concern for band mark.
Its soft, light and breathable, another essential feature most satin bonnets dont offer.
I love the retro-glam look. And most importantly, it helps to cut down the amount of my frizz. (FYI, I always sleep on a silk pillow case. But as a wavy, even that isnt enough.)
شكرا على الإشتراك!
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